Fibrocystic Breasts: Affected by Estrogenic Food and Herbs?
Answered by: Susan Eagles
Question from: Name not given
Posted on: May 7, 2001

I have cystic breasts. Could you please tell me if taking herbs with estrogenic qualities, or foods such as soy will contribute to this problem?

Yes, estrogenic herbs and food do affect estrogen-sensitive people. Fibrocystic breasts occur when the body is not metabolizing estrogens well. Some estrogen promoting herbs and foods that should be avoided with fibrocystic breasts are: licorice, dong quai, red clover, black cohosh, dried dates, tofu, soy flour, hops, beer and pomegranates.

Hormone imbalance and high stress are factors in fibrocystic breasts. Other factors that contribute to increased formation of cysts are caffeine: in coffee (even decaffeinated), tea, chocolate and soda drinks, and mucus forming dairy products, refined flour and excess carbohydrates.

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