Wild Yarrow for Plantar Fascia
Answered by: Conrad Richter
Question from: Diane
Posted on: May 27, 2003

I wrote several months ago and yarrow and mint tea was recommended for inflammation for my plantar fascia bone spurs. Is the common yarrow that is growing in the fields the same I buy in the herb store? The leaves of the young plants are a soft fluffy gray green and the blossom is white. I live in Eastern Wa. I hope this is o.k. for me to dry and make a tea as I am happy with the results of that I bought in an herb store.

The wild white yarrow that common throughout North America is Achillea millefolium which is the same as what is sold in dried form for medicinal purposes.

To be sure of identity, it is wise to get yourself a good wildflower identification book. The Peterson guides for North America are quite good for lay use. We carry two but they are for central and eastern North America; you should be able to find the western editions in your local book stores.

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