Alfalfa, Kelp and Weight Loss
Answered by: Susan Eagles
Question from: Name not given
Posted on: January 21, 2005

I know that if one takes alfalfa in extremes the person becomes underweight -- why? Also one biochemist told me that alfalfa interferes with iodine being bound to thyroxine, however, I read in two different websites that alfalfa is good for a sluggish metabolism and good for thyroid support -- which is correct?

Also if one is on a low salt diet don’t they have to stay away from kelp in all forms (tablets, etc)? I read that kelp has a high amount of salt. Also when I took kelp tablets, garlic tablets and apple cider vinegar in liquid form I felt bloated -- why?

Also I heard that kelp, garlic, apple cider vinegar, alfalfa and green tea can help one lose weight and keep it off -- how? Do you have to take all of them or can you take one or a couple to lose weight and keep it off?

Alfalfa leaves are highly nutritious. They are high in the enzymes required for digestion, and in vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll. To receive the full benefit, they should be taken by blending with water to make a juice. Their high nutrient value makes them useful in building the body after surgery or illness. They promote bowel elimination. Frequent cups of tea have a diuretic effect. The diuretic and laxative effects may be useful in a weight loss plan, but they are generally used to help to increase weight.

Alfalfa seeds and sprouts, however, contain the non essential amino acid canavanine, which does interfere with the metabolism. They can cause skin problems, anemia, and exacerbate lupus and other autoimmune conditions.

Kelp stimulates the thyroid gland in iodine-deficient thyroid disease. Excess kelp causes hyperthyroid conditions, including a rapid heartbeat, sweating and nervousness. Kelp is a nutritious way of adding a salty taste to food in a low salt diet. Low salt does not mean no salt. It is best to eliminate any foods – especially junk foods - that contain ordinary table salt, and include whole food sources, like a little kelp and sea salt in your cooking. Kelp supplements should not be taken unless recommended by a qualified therapist.

Green tea, apple cider vinegar and garlic can be used in a weight loss plan.. For more information on their benefits in weight loss, please see our website at Choose "Q&A" from the main menu, then enter "green tea", "garlic and weight" or "apple cider vinegar". None of these should be taken on a permanent basis, unless they are added to the diet as whole foods rather than capsules and pills. Keeping a healthy weigh is accomplished by various methods, but principally through a sustainable plan for the diet and physical exercise, together with emotional support if required.

I don’t know why you felt bloated when taking the supplements that you mention. When you have an adverse affect to a herb or food, you should stop taking it. It is more important to work on building a healthy diet. There are no healthy "magic bullets" for permanent weight loss. Please see our web page for information on a good diet for weight loss. On the "Q&A" page, enter "weight loss" for the search.

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