
Cardinal Climber
Ipomoea x sloteri
Uses: Poisonous! Duration: Annual
When to Sow: Spring Ease of Germination: Easy
Fast-growing climber with masses of deeply lobed leaves on vines brightly dotted with scarlet flowers. It is a hybrid of two species of morning glory known to be medicinally active. The root of the first, the red morning glory, I. coccinea, is used in India to induce sneezing. The second is the cypressvine, I. quamoclit, which is used to treat physical weakness, hemorrhoids, piles, ulcers, and diabetes. Like many morning glories, the seeds likely contain psychoactive alkaloids. This vine’s origin goes back to 1897, when an American named Logan Sloter began to cross the two parents but failed to get viable seeds until 11 years later when finally one of his plants produced a single seed. That one seed grew true to type and eventually the cross was recognized as a new species. Very easy to grow from seeds in any sunny, well-drained spot where it is free to climb on anything it can.
S1660 Seeds $3.75/pkt
S1660 Bulk Seeds $7.00/10g, $40.00/100g
Currency: United States Dollar

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