
Vitex agnus-castus
Uses: Medicinal Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 7-10)
When to Sow: Spring Ease of Germination: Moderate/Special Treatment Required
(Chasteberry; Vitex) So named because the seeds reputedly subdue the sexual urge and have long been used by monks to produce this effect. But be forewarned: some suggest the aromatic seeds have exactly the opposite effect! Whatever the effect on the libido, it is clear that it has an effect on hormonal balance. Recent German studies indicate that seed extracts regulate menstrual bleeding or too frequent menstruation, and may do this by stimulating progesterone and regulating estrogen. In Germany, women who are stopping oral contraception, use chastetree to help reestablish normal menstruation and ovulation. Hardy to zone 6. Seeds require stratification.
S1712 Seeds $5.75/pkt
Currency: United States Dollar

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