
Paullinia pinnata
Uses: Medicinal
(Gbatsalika) A climbing shrub found throughout much of Africa used for dysentery, leprosy, jaundice, fever, fibroids and other illnesses. In Ghana it is known as an effective treatment for female infertility and male impotence. The roots are taken with coconut roots and coconut water. There is no research yet looking the aphrodisiac effects, but other research has shown that extracts of the roots cause the aorta of rats to relax in a way that is similar to what happens with drugs like Viagra®. These drugs are known to increase levels of nitric oxide in genital areas, which causes blood vessels to dilate and increases the flow of blood into those areas. If this effect is the same on women then the "cure" for "female infertility" may really be about improving the enjoyment of sex by increasing sensitivity of the genital area.
  H4455-200 Bulk dried root cut   SOLD OUT $7.00/100g, $36.00/1000g
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