
Romanesco Broccoli
Brassica oleracea (Botrytis) 'Romanesco'
Duration: Annual
When to Sow: Spring Ease of Germination: Easy
"Roman cauliflower" might be a more apt name for this traditional Italian vegetable because its distinctive light-green heads resemble cauliflower more than broccoli. It can be cooked and eaten like cauliflower or broccoli but is less bland than cauliflower and less bitter than broccoli. It is excellent raw, with a creamy, nutty flavour and makes a nice change when served as finger food with dips. For the math nerds in the kitchen, the heads are a stunning example of fractal-like design with repeating spirals of cones.
S8057-001 SowNatural(tm) Seeds $4.25/pkt
S8057-001 SowNatural(tm) Bulk Seeds $9.00/10g, $68.00/100g
Currency: United States Dollar

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