Experiments in Making Marshmallow Candy from Marshmallow Roots
Answered by: Conrad Richter
Question from: Bonnie Basham
Posted on: October 04, 2007

This has been a most interesting experiment.

I got some ground marshmallow root... used it to try to make marshmallows... found several fascinating things:

1. It takes more root than gelatin to make the "stuff" turn into an edible marshmallow... 1 oz of root was pretty thick but not thick enough to bond the sugar/water solution. Also, the root powder does not dissolve like gelatin -- don’t think it ever would so I had lumps of root powder in the sugar mixture.

2. Marshmallow root tastes like okra! It’s from that family so that should not be a surprise --- but a "sweet okra-tasting marshmallow" was quite a surprise! Also, these marshmallows were a light brown to tan in color not white because the root is tan.

3. I"m going to try just a "pinch" of mallow root in the gelatin so I can say it has some root in it -- and hope the taste is diminished.

Onward toward marshmallow perfection!

Thank you for this progress report. Much appreciated!

Over the years we have had several inquiries about making marshmallows from the marshmallow plant. We never tried making them but always wondered if it is really possible to produce candy that kids will like since they are so used to the commercial candy that is not made with the herb. I hope that your experiences will encourage others to experiment also and lead, I hope, to a definitive recipe that kids will like.

When you have perfected your version, please let us have it so we can post it on our website.

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