| | | Cat Friendly Plants Answered by: Conrad Richter Question from: DougBen Hardwick Posted on: March 6, 1999
I’m very interested in sowing and growing my own SweetGrass, as well as CatNip and other `Cat Friendly’ grasses and herbs you might suggest for that purpose. Your catalog wasn’t very specific.
We offer catnip seeds and plants and sweetgrass plants. We do not have sweetgrass seeds.
We should be clear on the sweetgrass. What is commonly called "sweetgrass" is Hierochloe odorata. It has a sweet vanilla-like scent that comes from its coumarin content. Because of its coumarin content it is not advisable to feed it to animals. The coumarin can cause the blood to thin and ultimately cause bleeding.
We suspect that the "sweetgrass" you are referring to is a grass grown from a common grain such as wheat or oats. We have seen pots of grasses offered for sale for cats. These grasses are quite acceptable for cats, which seem to appreciate some fresh greens every once in a while.
We do not carry grains. A farmer supply store in your area will have them.
Also, is there a problem with the border?
Do you mean the border between Canada and the United States? No, there is no problem: we can ship most seeds and plants to the U.S. without any difficulty. In fact, all of our plants are shipped from Buffalo, New York, so there is no customs hassle when you order plants from Richters.
And do you accept `Discover’ as I would be quite anxious to begin as soon as possible.
Sorry, we do not accept the Discover card. We accept Visa and MasterCard.
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