Flea Control Answered by: Conrad Richter Question from: Ron Castro Posted on: September 27, 2002
My dogs has problems with fleas. I heard that mixing garlic, vinegar, citrus and herbs could get rid of the fleas. Can you please tell me the recipe for it? Or is there any way? I sure appreciate it.
We do not have a recipe for the mixture you heard about. The ingredients garlic, vinegar, citrus are generally safe so you may wish to experiment making your own blends to treat your dog with. As for herbs, pennyroyal is well known to work against fleas. It is not safe to use pennyroyal oil, especially if your animal is pregnant. But fresh pennyroyal leaves, or an infusion made from the leaves, rubbed on your dog’s coat are said to be very effective against fleas. You may have to repeat applications several times to rid your animal of fleas completely.
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