Herbal Medicine for Animals Courses
Answered by: Kerry Hackett
Question from: Francine Charbonneau
Posted on: February 17, 2006

I am currently studying herbal medicine with a 3 year home study program here in Quebec. I would like to specialize eventually in herbal medicine for animals but have not been able to find courses available. Would you have some institutions to suggest? These would have to be either e-learning or mail home study). My first language is French but I am used to studying in English so either language would be fine.

Unfortunately, little in the way of "Herbs for Animals" courses exist that I have seen. By and large, the complementary care available to veterinarians consists of acupuncture, chiropractic or homeopathy. However, there does exist the Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association (http://www.vbma.org/) and they have offered courses in the past including online courses. A quick search of their website shows that although they plan to start offering courses again in 2006, as of yet, none have been posted. Their website also lists other organizations with online courses, depending on the type of herbal medicine you are interested in studying.


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