Dog and Allergies II
Answered by: Kerry Hackett
Question from: Angela Vennie
Posted on: February 17, 2006

We just got a miniture doberman pinscher. He has recently broke out with these bumps on top of his head. It does itch him, because he is always scratching all the time. The vet here gave us some ointment to apply to his bumps, though the bumps on his head are starting to go away, the bumps have spread to his body. They are white bumps, with a scabbed tip on them. The vet here does not know what it is. He gave us some antibiotics, and some shampoo. I was wondering if you have ever seen this problem on an animal before, and know of anything natural I can give him. I know it is hard to know what exactly it is from me just describing it to you, but I just thought to try.

It sounds very like an allergy to his diet or other chemicals you may be using in your house: cleaning products, perfumes, scented body products, detergents, dryer sheets, etc. Please see the entry, "Dog and Allergies" on this website ( for recipe resources. This posting also contains some thoughts for externally applied herbs that may relieve the itching and help to soothe his skin whilst you work on removing the possible allergen.

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