| | | Small Bumps on a Puppy’s Head Answered by: Kerry Hackett Question from: Ann Belding Posted on: June 13, 2006
Our 12 week old chiwauwa is suddenly developed little bumps all over the top of her head. They are small, white, and have scabs. Can you please tell us what she may be alergic too and what herbs might help her. Thanks so much for any help you can provide!
Without knowing more about your puppy, my immediate thoughts would be either she is having a reaction to her food, her vaccinations or any other medication she may have recently received or all of the above. Skin reactions such as you describe are not uncommon and typically are a signal that the internal organs, especially the liver, are not functioning at their optimum often due to being overloaded or not receiving the nutrients they need to fully function. The first place you can start is by looking into homemade diets such as those listed in books by Richard Pitcairn, "Natural Health for Dogs and Cats", "The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat" by Juliette de Bairacli Levy and "The Barf Diet" by Ian Billinghurst. At twelve weeks of age your puppy is in an excellent position to right herself given a good, basic homemade diet.
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