| | | Crying Cat Answered by: Kerry Hackett Question from: Kate Zaneski Posted on: August 06, 2006
Is there any herb that helps a cat calm down/relax? He is grieving and cries all night, runs around, is restless, gets into fights with my very calm cat
The first thing to do is to determine, from your cat’s point of view, the problem. You mentioned grieving: has there been a recent loss in the household? Has there been a recent addition to the household? Has there been some other type of change in the household? Cats do not like change and yours is trying to let you know he is unhappy and/or needs your attention for what he sees as a very important reason. As for the fighting, flower essences may help. These can be found at your nearest health food shop. Look for essences such as Beech, Vine, Vervain, Holly and White Chestnut. Dosing is as follows: two drops of the essence of your choice in a 50 ml brown or blue dropper bottle, filled with springwater. Give your cat either one dropperful twice a day in food or one dropperful directly in the mouth as needed (do not touch the cat’s mouth with the dropper). Flower essences can also be absorbed transdermally by massaging some of the diluted essence into the cat’s skin (inside ear flap or stomach if the fur is thin). In addition, anxious and cranky animals tend to calm down when fed a good, homemade diet. Please see the works of Richard Pitcairn, "Natural Health for Dogs and Cats", "The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat" by Juliette de Bairacli Levy and "The Barf Diet" by Ian Billinghurst for recipes and further information.
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