Cat and Urinary Tract Inflammation
Answered by: Kerry Hackett
Question from: Kathy Pulliam
Posted on: September 29, 2006

Our 13 year old male feline of 14-16 lbs. has been diagnosed by a DVM as having a urinary inflammatory syndrome -- somewhat chronic this year -- that is emotional in nature. No Rx meds were prescribed and we were to simply have him eat exclusively of canned veterinary diet, which he hates. When symptom-free he is to eat a renal diet. We are his third owner, moved to a new town this year plus his constant younger male feline companion died several months ago. Infection and crystals have been ruled out (no blockage). We also found out on initial examination by his new vet that hehas chronic renal failure. In addition to emotional support, I am reading Dr. Richard Pitcairn’s book on natural health for cats and dogs, and slowly implementing a homemade diet which is also lower in protein/phosphorus. We also have a healthy 15 year old female cat who has been with us for years; the two cats have a passive friendship.

Question: During the last bout of inflammation/difficulty urinating, I started Spotty on a fresh beef-broth fast and gave it a very light dusting of turmeric, since I could find no contraindications. Is this appropriate? Is there some other herb/s or homeopathic solution that you would suggest to help abate this type of inflammation? I am trying to effect a permanent solution, not just intermittent treatment. However, I realize that for acute inflammatory situations the course of action may be different.

Any recommendations or resources that you may offer would be greatly appreciated. Spotty is such a sweet cat, I feel sorry for him when he is anxious and unable to urinate well.

The work you are already doing regarding Spotty’s diet is great and one he could be on long term. In addition, cats are highly affected by their emotions and you’re right, he has been through alot in a short period of time. You may want to look at the use of flower remedies such as: Walnut, Sagebrush, Bleeding Heart, Dill, Elm, Quaking Grass and Mustard. These should be available through your nearest health food shop. Please dose as follows: put two drops of each essence on a 50 ml dropper bottle filled with spring water. Put one dropperful of the diluted essence in Spotty’s food twice a day. Take care to keep the dropper clean as the mixture is not preserved. Also remember that stress in the home can have an impact on his emotional health.

Other thoughts to help with inflammation include: ensure Spotty’s litter is in a safe, private part of the house where he will have no problem with it; perhaps one box on each floor if possible; use a litter that is dust-free and free of additives/scents; Vitamin C at 125 mg twice a day and Coenzyme Q10 at 10 mg once a day (both vitamins may be given in food). As far as herbs go, you might want to think of soothing and calming the inflammation rather than using a straight anti-inflammatory (ie: Turmeric). Herbs such as Marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis) mixed equally with Plantain (Plantago major) will help to calm the urinary tract, thus allowing the tissue to heal. It would be best if you can find these herbs in glycerite form, hopefully available at your nearest healthfood shop. Also, you may want to consider the forms of meat you offer your cat; I often speak of "species-appropriate" meats. In this light, a cat in the wild would certainly kill and eat a member of the bird family, but even a pack of cats will never bring down a cow. Therefore the closest choice might be chicken or turkey. Chicken especially, is more "cooling" in Chinese medicine terms and thus will cause fewer problems than beef which is considered to be a "heating" food.

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