Health of Racing Greyhounds
Answered by: Kerry Hackett
Question from: Michael Kenny
Posted on: November 04, 2006

I have been reading your website with great interest. I would like some advice on herbs that may improve the well being of a racing greyhound. Due to their intense training and what can be stressful racing careers, I would hope there would be something that can assist with their general well being. Can you suggest anything to improve his/her respiratory system and cardiovascular system when training/racing? Are there any herbs which would be beneficial for arthritic joints or fluid in joints (anti-inflamatory/pain killer)? Are there any appropriate remedies to calm/relax excitable dogs? In conclusion I wondered if there is anything that would aid the performance of a dog?

Any athlete whether animal or human is only as good as their nutritional intake. Therefore, the first place you may want to start is the use of a good, homemade diet. Please see the work of Richard Pitcairn, "Natural Health for Dogs and Cats", "The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat" by Juliette de Bairacli Levy and "The Barf Diet" by Ian Billinghurst for further information. Beyond diet the use of herbs is, for the most part, a very individualised format and not one that can be recommended in a "one size fits all" programme. I would suggest that each of your dogs be assessed by a qualified professional who works with both animals and herbs. In this way, each dog would be given the care and attention they deserve with their individual potential encouraged whilst their specific needs receiving help. You may find such a practitioner by looking at the website of the Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association (

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