Epulis (Tumour of the Gum) and Lab Answered by: Kerry Hackett Question from: Lynn Posted on: November 27, 2006
Have you used herbs successfully to treat canine epulis? My 9 year old lab has one on his lower jaw. Is there any treatment that you know of that helps? (He had some cryosurgery today to help reduce it, as it is being rubbed by an upper canine tooth.)
Epulis or tumour of the gum is a complex issue and one beyond the scope of this forum. I would suggest that you seek the advice of a qualified professional who has experience with both animals and the use of herbal medicines. Such a person may be found in the member’s pages of the Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association (www.vbma.org). You and your dog deserve the time and care that can only occur in a one-on-one consultation.
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