Preventative Care for Dog and Ticks
Answered by: Kerry Hackett
Question from: Cynthia
Posted on: November 27, 2006

My dog constantly has ticks especially when he comes into contact with neighbouring dogs. What can I use to rid my dog of these pests?

In answer to your question, another question: does your dog have to come into contact with these other dogs? Is there any way you can separate or avoid them? If not, then the first step would be to comb your dog with a flea comb after each encounter to make sure there are no ticks. Given your statement above, I’ll assume you already know how to remove ticks or take your dog to the vet to have ticks removed, so I won’t go into an explanation here. As prevention, many people will brush their dog thoroughly to remove any excess or matted hair and then dust the skin with a flea powder. Recipes for these powders can be found on this website ( entitled, "Cats, Fleas and Pennyroyal Oil", "Animals and Fleas" and "Fleas and Lemon Juice". In addition, animals most often attacked by ticks and fleas are those who are not in optimal health. A good, homemade diet often makes a world of difference to skin integrity and enhanced immune status. Please see the work of Richard Pitcairn, "Natural Health for Dogs and Cats", "The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat" by Juliette de Bairacli Levy and "The Barf Diet" by Ian Billinghurst for further information.

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