| | | Chihuahua with a Recent Stroke Answered by: Kerry Hackett Question from: Jonathan Posted on: February 27, 2007
My 9 pound Chihuahua just had a stroke. We think she may be around 10-12 years old. She has been on a all natural BARF (Bones And Raw Food) diet since we adopted her from a shelter 4 years ago. But she had a very rough life before us. Her health vastly improved over the years but she still has arthritis and just had a stroke this week. She is now blind in her right eye after the stroke but she is starting to regain full use of her left front and left rear leg after only 2 days! Is there anything we can do to prevent another stroke in addition to the BARF diet?
Given your dog is already on what I am assuming is a good, homemade diet and has been in a loving home for the past four years (no stress), she should be able to regain quite a bit of the mobility she enjoyed previous to the stroke. And whilst there are many herbs that could be useful in rehabilitation, it would be best if you and she sought a one-on-one consultation with a qualified practitioner who can take a full case history and recommend a treatment protocol specific to your dog’s background and present condition. Such a practitioner may be found through the Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association (www.vbma.org). I suspect this practitioner will suggest circulatory and cardiovascular support as well as adaptogenic herbs which may help to generally balance and strengthen the body, but specific recommendations would be dependent on much more information and a complete physical examination.
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