| | | Poisonous Plants Affecting Cats and Dogs Answered by: Kerry Hackett Question from: Linda Bostinto Posted on: March 13, 2007
I own a plant store in Milford Pennsylvania called "A Breath of Fresh Air". We sell interior plants, our focus being on the chemicals the plants remove from the interior air. I want to expand our line to include herbs, but many of my customers have cats and dogs and I must always keep that in mind. Any advice on what to carry or not carry?
The list that I have regarding plants that can poison animals includes: Azalea, Baneberry, Bird of Paradise, Bittersweet, Black Locust, Calla Lily, Castor Bean, Christmas Rose, Daffodil, Daphne, Dumb Cane, English Ivy, Holly, Iris, Jerusalem Cherry, Larkspur, Lantana, Lily of the Valley, Mistletoe, Monks Hood, Oleander, Philodendron, Pointsettia, Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, Pokeweed, Privet, Buttercup, Rhubarb, Snow-on-the-Mountain, Virginia Creeper, Wisteria and Yellow Jessamine. Obviously not all of the above are herbs, nor is this list exhaustive. What might be the best idea is to make up a list of those plants in which you are interested and check with your local poison control centre.
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