| | | Scorpion Repellent Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Kellee Durbin Posted on: October 27, 1999
I live in Southern California. I hope you or someone you might know can help me. We have a big problem with scorpions in my area. I was wondering if there is a type of herb or plant that might discourage them from entering our home like it was always New Years Day and the Rose Parade route going through our home.
I was unable to find any reference to a herb that might repel scorpions. The book "Complete Guide to Pest Control" by George W. Ware says that "sanitation is the first step in scorpion control. Loose boards, wood piles, rocks, and debris should be eliminated from areas about homes, particularely near foundation walls. Insecticides may also be used in such areas as this will reduce populations of insects fed upon by scorpions. Scorpions may also be trapped under moist burlap and later destroyed. Care should be used in handling boards or other objects under which scorpions may be hiding. Also note that all scorpion stings should be promptly treated by a physician, especially if small children are involved, since the stings of some species can be fatal for a child or older person. Bring the offending scorpion along to the physician for identification, since proper treatment may depend on the species involved."
Make sure all windows and doors are tightly fitting, caulk any gaps and make sure all windows are screened. Door closers on doors would also be a good idea to stop the parade! I wonder if a ring of 2 to 3 inch wide aluminum foil troughs filled with old engine oil and placed under the overhang of steps would stop them?
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