What Is "Erdbeer Kiwi"? Answered by: Conrad Richter Question from: Hanunah Uqdah Posted on: October 22, 2003
A friend of mine gave me a present of "Erdbeer Kiwi" a dried substance. It looks like bark and has the aroma of a sweet tobacco. Could you please tell me what it is used for? Unfortunately, I am out of touch with my friend.
"Erdbeer" means strawberry in German, so "erdbeer kiwi" appears to be simply the flavour "strawberry-kiwi". There is no herb that we know of that goes by this name, so I am inclined to think that this is some sort of herbal substance that has been flavoured with strawberry and kiwi.
My guess is that you have a strawberry-kiwi-flavoured blunt wrapper. A blunt wrapper is a high quality tobacco leaf that is used to make cigars; it is the outer wrapper that imparts much of the flavour to the cigar.
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