| | | Pot or Santo Cilantro Answered by: Koidu Sulev Question from: Kathy
I’m considering growing cilantro indoors over the winter to sell to a local restaurant. Which of the two, pot or Santo, do you suggest for this endeavor? Also, how tall of a pot should I use?
You did not mention what quantities are required for the restaurant or how often they need you to provide some cilantro for them. Growing cilantro in a pot from seeds on a windowsill during the winter month might not be very successful. The main concern is the lack of sunshine on most days. You will also need a steady supply, and that means new seeds should be planted frequently.
Flavour wise both pot cilantro and santo cilantro are similar. The only difference is that santo cilantro does not bolt, set seeds, as quickly in hot weather. This is not a concern when growing cilantro indoors. Pot cilantro does not get as leggy, so it might be the better choice. I would suggest to try both so you can compare which one will work out best for you.
I would recommend narrow window boxes, mainly because the pots should be as close to the window as possible.
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