Will Red Yeast Rice Increase Yeast Infections and What are Its Side Effects?
Answered by: Robert Newman, L.Ac.
Question from: Sally Montgomery
Posted on: January 17, 2005

They say red rice yeast is good to lower your cholesterol. If a person does have yeast infection once in awhile will this increase the chances of have an infection? What are the side effects of red rice yeast?

Regarding the question of Red Yeast Rice increasing yeast infections, I would say that it is very possible. I would recommend avoiding any yeast products, including this one, if you are trying to clear out any problems with yeast infections. Most diets and protocols in wholistic medicine for dealing with chronic yeast infections and candidiasis problems recommend against having any products with yeast in them. It’s been my observation that this is generally a wise idea. Instead of using Red Yeast Rice for cholesterol problems, there are other things you can do. You might want to read the following reply that I wrote on Richters Q&A web page entitled "Which Herbs Are Good for Cholesterol, Blood Sugar and Healthy Arteries?" It mentions about Red Yeast Rice, but it also describes some other herbs that can be used and some lifestyle changes.

Regarding the question about side effects of Red Yeast Rice, I wrote another reply on Richters Q&A web page entitled "Does Red Yeast Rice Really Lower Cholesterol?" I would suggest you take a look at that for the answer to that question and additional information about Red Yeast Rice.

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