Huang Guolan (Canarium album) Answered by: Zhongfa Wu Question from: Gina Posted on: December 04, 2006
I would like to know what is the alternative name for a plant that is native to China, ‘Huang goulan’, which is thought to have antihistaminergic properties.
Unfortunately, I couldnÂ’’t find the plant name “"Huang goulan"” after checking the books of Chinese medicinal plants. My colleague in China also could not find it. Several names are similar it, such as "Huang Guolan", "Huang Goudou", and "Huang Goujue". I am not sure, but I think what you want is "Huang Guolan". The botanical name is Canarium album, and it is known as "Chinese olive" in English. It is a small tree about 3 meters high. It grows in Southeastern China and Vietnam.
Canarium album has the properties of “anti-inflammatory” and “antiphlogistic”, both of which could (but not necessarily) mean it has the antihistaminergic properties mentioned in your question.
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