Which Parts of Chinese Privet and Eclipta Are Used?
Answered by: Zhongfa Wu
Question from: Tina Grinnell
Posted on: March 13, 2008

Chinese privet and eclipta: Which part of the plants is used?

Chinese privet is named Nv Zhen Zi in Chinese and glossy privet fruit in English when it is used for medicine. Obviously, the fruit of privet is used for medicine. But one thing you should know that you won’t get the medicinal effect if you don’t process the fruit properly. I would like to give you a tip for processing as following: collect the fruit when it is ripe, slightly steamed or scalded in boiling water, and then dried in the sun. It can be used in the raw form or prepared with wine.

The leaf extract of eclipta is considered a powerful liver tonic, rejuvenative, and especially good for the hair. A black dye obtained from Eclipta alba is used for dyeing hair and tattooing. Eclipta alba also has traditional external uses, like athlete foot, eczema and dermatitis, on the scalp to address hair loss, and the leaves have been used in the treatment of scorpion stings. It is used as anti-venom against snakebite in China.

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