Which Herbs Go in What Foods? Answered by: Conrad Richter Question from: Billie Potter Posted on: December 15, 2003
How can I learn which herbs go in what foods?
There is a useful chart on our website at http://www.richters.com/show.cgi?page=./InfoSheets/chart.html that is a good beginner’s guide to what herbs go with what foods. These are all herbs that you can grow in your garden.
You might also want to get the Richters culinary herbs poster http://www.richters.com/Web_store/web_store.cgi?product=XT9490 . This beautiful poster is the only one that gives both "how to grow" and "how to use" information for popular herbs found in most gardens.
For a more comprehensive introduction to herbs and what foods they go with, there are many good books on the Richters website. Check Yvonne Tremblay’s book, "Thyme in the Kitchen" as a good start http://www.richters.com/Web_store/web_store.cgi?product=XB7600 .
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