Which Mint is "Yerba Buena"? II
Answered by: Conrad Richter
Question from: Tom Bartlett
Posted on: April 02, 2004

Thank you! That clarifies some of the discrepancies that came up in my websearch.

I suppose the question, if there is a way of my finding this out, is which mint would be most prominent in Cuba, since that is where the mojito comes from.

If you happen to know that, I’d be interested, but assuming I don’t hear more, I will just settle to the best tasting spearmint I can find.

Again, thanks so much!

I have not been to Cuba myself so I don’t have first hand knowledge of the type of "yerba buena" used in mojitos. But Sara Roahen suggests in her article "Mint Condition" in the New Orleans publication "Gambit Weekly" (http://www.bestofneworleans.com/dispatch/2003-09-09/feat2.html) that the "yerba buena" used in Cuba is different from the typical spearmint varieties available here. Here is what she says: "Sticklers argue that a correct mojito cannot be made in America. Cubans apparently use an indigenous variety of mint called yerba buena, which they combine with pressed sugar cane juice called guarapo." But she does seem to suggest that in America typical spearmint varieties can be used as a substitute.


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