Benefits of Cinnamon in Food
Answered by: Yvonne Tremblay
Question from: Karen
Posted on: September 30, 2007

What are the benefits of using cinnamon in food and what foods can it be used on?

Cinnamon is the dried inner bark of a tropical evergreen, used in cooking as sticks (for drinks such as hot cider) or ground. There are two varieties, Ceylon cinnamon and cassia. Ceylon cinnamon is lighter in colour and has a mildly sweet flavour. Cassia bark is deep reddish brown and has a stronger, almost bittersweet flavour. Cinnamon is used in baked goods, such as cinnamon rolls, bread pudding, apple pie, spice cakes and cookies, as well as in some stews and curry dishes.

For health benefits, go to this link I am not an expert in this area. Keep in mind the quantity you have to consume daily to have any positive effect.

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