| | | Hardiness of Lady Lavender Answered by: Richters Staff Question from: Karin Jamieson Posted: Before April 1998 I just received your catalogue with The Canadian Gardening Magazine and am quite impressed. So much so, I passed it along to my friend, who would also like one. I have ordered one for her. Could you tell me if your Lady lavender is hardy enough to survive our zone 3 climate?
Probably not. Although Lady lavender belongs to the hardiest species, Lavandula angustifolia, we find that it is not as hardy as the common English lavender or other varieties like Munstead, Hidcote and Rosea. We have had a number of reports now that Lady lavender is not hardy in our zone 5. Some growers in our area are beginning to treat Lady lavender as an annual or tender perennial and not as a hardy perennial. If it is best treated as an annual then why grow it, you might ask. It is the fastest growing of the English lavenders and the easist to grow from seeds. As an All-America Selection, it is also a proven ornamental. | | |