Pruning Dog Roses
Answered by: Richters Staff
Question from: Gail Hannah
Posted: Before April 1998

We have had your dog roses for 5 years. We originally planted 7 seeds and 5 of them came up – making 5 rose bushes. They are wonderful - they have given us 2 years of roses and rosehips for jam to the delight of all of our friends. As you know - there is nothing quite like "rose hip jam"

It would be very much appreciated if you could get back to me. I am a customer for a few years now and you have always given us great seeds. Is it possible for you to take a moment and write back to me - I need HELP.

FYI we live in Eastern Ontario and our soil is sandy loamy.

I have been afraid to cut the bushes back and even now (in winter) they have long tendrils – which should probably be pruned at some stage.

In early spring when the canes show signs of growth cut out the dead, diseased and weak shoots down to ground level, leaving 3-6 healthy canes. Cut these back to live wood which has a white pith. Cut about 1/2 cm (1/4 inch) above an outward-facing bud with sharp shears.

Incidently, these guidelines apply to most roses. The only difference is that your plants are growing on their own roots whereas most garden rosea are grafted on understock. When pruning grafted garden roses you must also cut out any shoots coming from the understock.

I have seeds (thousands) from the past two years which have been taken out of the rosehips (a gruelling job) – and stored in a cool place. Are they the same as the seeds that we bought – i.e. if we plant them is it possible to get rose bushes.....IF THATS THE CASE - I THINK I COULD FILL MY 21 ACRE FARM.

Yes, they are the same provided they were allowed to mature enough before harvest. There is no harm in trying to germinate them; if successful you will get more of the same plants.

Is it possible for you to take a moment and write back to me - I need HELP.

I have seeds (thousands) from the past two years which have been taken out of the rosehips (a gruelling job) – and stored in a cool place. Are they the same as the seeds that we bought – i.e. if we plant them is it possible to get rose bushes.....IF THATS THE CASE - I THINK I COULD FILL MY 21 ACRE FARM.

Yes, they are the same provided they were allowed to mature enough before harvest. There is no harm in trying to germinate them; if successful you will get more of the same plants.

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