Suggestions for Topiaries Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Christine Gill Posted on: April 6, 1998
Can you give me a suggestions for potted topiaries? Also, advise if you have plant material for growing animal form topiaries such creeping jenny and others?
Any tree or shrub with reasonably small leaves will make a good topiary-provided it is also fairly easy to grow. My suggestions would include bay laurel and rosemary.
Animal forms grown on a wire mesh model stuffed with a moisture retentive material such as peat moss would look nice planted with creeping thyme, with silver or golden lemon thyme used as a contrasting mane or ruff of a lion. Corsican mint could also be used if you can keep the form wet enough.
For a short-lived sculpture you could cover the form with seeds of curled cress for a super quick green pelt.
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