Seed to Harvest, How Long? Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Kim Ouellette Posted on: April 6, 1998
I need as much information as possible about how long it takes certain herbs to go from seed to being ready to be harvested. More specifically, I need this info. for the following plants: lavender, wintergreen, sage, passion flower, echinacea, gotu kola, and licorice. Any other info about these herbs would be helpful as well.
Most perennials take two years to reach flowering size. Lavender, echinacea, gotu-kola will need two years to be of harvestable size. Sage can be harvested the first year late in the season. Wintergreen, passion-fruit, and licorice will take at least 3 years to be harvestable. Licorice may take even longer, because you let it produce offshoots which are the parts that are eventually harvested.
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