| | | Ginseng Planting Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Akezia Mulchand
I would like some information about American Ginseng, and how you plant it, etc.
American ginseng is hardy in zones four to eight. This means that you cannot really grow it outside in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, because you are in zone two. You could grow a few plants in the house or a cool greenhouse if you can keep the plants close to freezing for about two months.
To grow the plants from seed plant them as soon as you receive the packet and keep the seedflat in a root cellar until spring (protect from rodents). Make sure the seeds never dry out. Summer the seedflat outdoors in a shady spot. The seeds should start to germinate when the flat is moved to room temperature. They will make a three-parted leaf that dies down in late summer. Overwinter the flat in a place close to freezing and transplant in the spring.
For soil use a slightly acid humus-rich mix but be sure it contains no products of needletrees. Needletree forest duff harbours micro-organisms that kill ginseng plants. Mulch the plants with hardwood leaves or straw. Never allow to dry out too much and keep in half-shade.
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