| | | Easiest Herbs to Grow Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Melissa Posted on: May 26, 1998
What kind of herbs are guaranteed to grow (almost no matter what)? Or, what kind of herbs are not picky about the growing situation (temp, location, etc.)? Or, what is the easiest herb to grow?
Your question is a bit tricky to answer, because there are quite a number of herbs that will become weeds or almost weeds given the right location! The herb has to be reliably hardy in your area to even have a chance to become a welcome weed!
On sandy soil, common marjoram (#3890) selfseeds happily and survives zone four to five winters without any trouble. Golden marguerite (#3870) is another winner in such a situation. Tansy (#S6180-P6182), goutweed (#P3005) and ground ivy (S3020) might even get out of hand.
There is a good reason why so many people grow chives (#S1790-P1794) or thyme (#S6450). They are easy. If they also get enough sun they will spread quite well. If the soil is a bit heavy, try creeping thyme (#P6463) instead of the culinary English thyme, since the creeping thyme will grow anywhere but in deep shade.
If your soil is moist at all times lovage (#S3780) will love it no matter what the light. This plant is much better than celery for any soup or stew where the recipes calls for celery. The same location as long as it is not in deep shade will also grow wonderful sorrel (#S5680-P5683). If there are any kids on your property you will probably have a hard time getting them to leave enough for your salad and summer soup needs!
Of the annuals summer savory (#S5290) is probably the easiest. It germinates easily and grows anywhere, but grows straighter if given enough sun. If you start with plants, parsley (#P4350, P4367) will grow anywhere too. It is just a bit slow to germinate and the novice might lose heart! If you have a hot and sunny place a good annual to try is basil, since it germinates very quickly and grows fast as long as it gets enough heat and even moisture.
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