Culinary Plants for Zone 3 (Alberta) Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Ron & Shirley Pickup Posted on: January 25, 1999
We would like to put an herb garden in. We are in zone #3. This would be mainly for cooking herbs. We have area of about 6 feet by 15 feet. Could you make some recommendations to us.
You would be very safe with all the annual culinary herbs such as anise, basil, dill, marjoram, parsley and summer savory.
We are working on putting the hardiness zones as well as height, spread and seed density of all of our herbs onto our web site. Consult it periodically to see if we have gotten that far yet!
In the meantime, a few herbs (for various uses) that are reported to be hardy in zone 3 (in alphabetical order of their latin names)are aconite, yarrows, calamus, lady’s mantle, hollyhock, chives, marshmallow, vanilla grass, columbine burdock, gobo, horseradish, wormwood, Russian tarragon, wild ginger, cupid’s dart, blue and black cohosh, cockscomb, cornflower, turtlehead, wild chicory, stoneroot, crown vetch, queen anne’s lace, fuller’s teasel, echinaceas, Siberian ginseng, seaholly, boneset, meadowsweet, dropwort, goat’s rue, yellow bedstraw, wintergreen, wild cranesbill, German statice, baby’s breath, jerusalem artichoke, sweet rocket, sweetgrass, sea buckthorn, hops, hyssop, elecampane, woad, blue flax, Lobelia inflata, honesty, musk mallow, woolly horehound, meliot, wild bergamot, sweet cicely, Faasen’s catnip, prairie clover, Chinese lantern, balloon flower, mayapple, jacob’s ladder, bistort, cinquefoil, tormentil, black eyed susan, gloriosa daisy, meadow clary, bloodroot, soapwort, scullcap, common comfrey, dandelion, red clover, coltsfoot, bilberry(acid soil), stinging nettle, lowbush blueberry(acid soil), blue vervain, silver speedwell and speedwell.
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