| | | Siberian Motherwort Cultivation and Harvest Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Brian Crellin Posted on: October 26, 1999
Could you please provide me with some info . on how to grow Siberian motherwort, specifcally how to germinate it, does it require greenhousing to start it , if so at what stage should it be field planted , also what type of soil does it thrive in, what portion of the plant top does one harvest and when do you harvest it, in the first or second year etc, do you think it would surive the winters in central Saskatchewan, Canada?
Siberian motherwort is rated as being hardy in zones 4 to 8 and since the area you live in is in zone 2, the plant will not overwinter outside for you. Motherwort tends to form a rosette the first year if the seeds germinate normally outside and tend not to bloom until the second year. Since the plants are cut when flowering (yi mu cao), or pulled up whole when in seed to thresh out the seeds when the plants are dry (chong wei zu), you will have to start them in a greenhouse - possibly already in the fall. If you give the plants a one month rest at close to freezing temperatures and then plant them out as soon as all danger of frost is over, you should have no problems getting them to bloom outside.
Siberian motherwort likes well-drained, moist soil in sun to part shade.
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