| | | Wild Ginger Growing Conditions Answered by: Conrad Richter Question from: Garth and Bev Gray Posted on: June 3, 2001
We would like to grow ginger in our garden or in our outside greenhouse for our own use. We live on a farm just outside of Moose Jaw, Sask. so our zone is too cold. But recently I came across this wild ginger which is supposed to be native to Canada. We would like to try some and noticed that it is listed on your web site. Do you have any more info, or know where I can learn more about it, before we order some plants? Questions like what kind of soil it likes, what hardiness zone it likes, moisture needs, etc. come to mind?
Wild ginger (Asarum canadense) is a native of decidious forests in Canada and northeastern United States. The hardiness zone rating is 3 to 8, although some authors say it will survive is zones 2 and 9. It requires shade corresponding to the period when decidious trees have leaves, which is to say that they need full sun in early spring before the trees leaf out. It requires well-drained, moist soil, enriched with leaf mould, and the pH should be neutral to slightly acidic.
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