Coffee (Coffea arabica) Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Bob Burlinson Posted on: September 10, 2001
I am interested in purchasing coffee herb seed from Richters. Could you please give me some additional information on this product. I do have Richters catalog, therefore, some information is at my disposal. Could you please tell me how large will this plant grow, indoors, and outdoors?
Out of doors Coffea arabica will grow into 15 foot (4.5 meters) tall shrub. In a pot, you can expect about half that size and with pruning it can be kept to a very reasonable pot plant size.
Also, does this plant smell anything like coffee, and how did it get its name?
The coffee smell is only developed by the seeds when they are roasted. The name according to Webster’s dictionary is derived from the Italian word "caffe" which in turn is a derivation from the Turkish word "gahveh" and the Arabic word "gahwah". The Two latter words mean "wine" or "coffee".
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