Horseradish Harvest Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Norma Swaim Posted on: June 3, 2002
Help Please! I have a beautiful horseradish plant in my garden that is approximately 4 feet (45 centimeters) high. When do I harvest the thing? Do I wait until the leaves wilt or wait until frost kills it? Or can I dig it up anytime? I live in Texas, USA, so it’s quite hot, horseradish must love it here!
You can use the young fresh leaves as a tasty and mild addition to salads or in sandwiches and according to Deni Bown are said to be especially tasty with smoked mackerel. The root is best harvested in the fall or early spring. Again, according to the "Encyclopaedia of Herbs and their Uses" (Richters catalogue #B2730) the grated root is used by itself or mixed with apple as a condiment for fish and mixed with vinegar and cold cream as an accompaniment to roast beef, cold chicken or hard boiled eggs.
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