| | | Lavender for Zone 7 Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Diana Walshlosche Posted on: April 02, 2004
I live in SW Virginia, USA and I am interested in planting several lavender varieties on a sunny hillside so that blooms will continue throughout the summer. Could you recommend a few of the hardier varieties having different blooming times? I am also interested in learning the cost of shipping plants to me here in the States.
Most of Virginia is in zone 7. The early summer flowering English lavenders(Lavandula angustifolia in several varieties) will do well for you. Many plants will rebloom especially if they are not allowed to go to seed. The mid-summer blooming L. lanata oe woolly lavender is only hardy to zone 8 and may not survive your winters. The lavandin group of lavenders or Lavandula x intermedia in several varieties bloom in mid to late summer and are hardy in zones 5 to 9.
For plant shipping to Virginia, USA for the year 2004 please add $8. If you ordered any of your plants as plug packs, then please add $1.50 per plug pack.
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