Vietnamese Coriander Drying Up Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Jackie Mandziak Posted on: April 07, 2004
Vietnamese coriander grew well in a crowded pot. When I moved it into a larger pot, the leaves turned brown and dried before they grew to any size. I tried misting it, with no luck. I have recently cut it back and am still not having success. After reading the answers given to other questions, I will move it to a shadier spot. Is there anything else I should know?
The repotting appears to have damaged the roots or else the medium is drying much faster now that it is not covered by the plant anymore. Water more frequently -- the plant loves moisture -- and keep it in a partially closed plastic bag for a while until you see new growth that appears normal. Then remove the plastic gradually and keep the plant in a shady spot for the summer.
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