Herbs and Wasps
Answered by: Inge Poot
Question from: Debbie Phippen
Posted on: April 09, 2004

I have a lot of wasps around my house and I know I have read somewhere that there is an herb that acts as a wasp repellent. I cannot remember where I read this, and wondered if you might be able to tell me what that herb is, and if there is more than one type that does the same thing, in different stages of sun, shade etc.

I am sorry, but I have never come across that bit of herb lore. You could try tansy, since the fresh herb is supposed to repel ants and ants are very closely related to wasps. Someone once told me that they brought a bunch of fresh picked pyrethrum flowers into a room that some bees had gotten into and they immediately started to drop to the floor. I have not tried it myself, so cannot say if this was a tale or the truth. I presume what stuns a bee will stun a wasp.


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