| | | Mandrake Germinated! Answered by: Conrad Richter Question from: Mamolis Posted on: April 12, 2005
I have good news at last. Seven of the seeds germinated and the 4 of them have already shown me their first two leaves. I am absolutely amazed. I am talking about mandragora. Thanks a lot for your valuable instructions.
Glad to hear that you had success!
I have two more questions for you though.
1. In your site and brochure that you sent me I saw that you were talking of a wine made from mandragora with aphrodisiac properties. Can you tell me how is it made?
Unfortunately we do not have details how it made. We know that the fresh fruit is used. We suspect that the fruits are simply steeped in wine or other liquor. I am afraid that you will have to experiment.
2. How long will it take for them to bloom and grow fruits?
In the middle east where the seeds are from, the plants take 2-3 years to reach blooming and fruiting size.
In the order I have made I also ordered bloodroot but you said that they will be available in spring. Do you have now?
Bloodroot seeds are ready for shipping in July. We ship immediately from harvest because the seeds lose their viability quickly if they dry out.
Do you also sell mandragora plants in plug trays?
Not presently. Mandrake has a deep root which makes it difficult to grow in our standard plug trays.
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