Wolfberry Care Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Lori Warmuth Posted on: July 27, 2005
I purchased 3 wolfberry plants from Richters just recently and have opted to keep them in the house until next spring due to the lateness of the season. (I reside in Northern Utah, Ogden). These plants have been transplanted into 4" pots and are they going crazy!!! Growing like wild fire. When and how should I begin to prune them? They are already approximately 22" high!! Oh my stars!!!
Nip out the growing tips and that will cause branching. If the stems are too tall already, then cut them down to the height at which you would like branches to start. Keep them in good light to get sturdy growth.
Your question arrived in late July. You still have plenty of time to plant the plants outside and have them establish themselves before first frost.
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