Growing Globe Artichokes In South Africa Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Miranda Hall Posted on: October 11, 2006
I am exploring the possibility of growing artichokes in South Africa. Please let me know the ideal growing conditions for the globe artichoke, including climate, soil composition, etc. I find a great deal of information for the USA, but very little to assist me here.
Globe artichokes are hardy perennials in zones 9 and up and should do just fine out-of-doors all year round for you. They are thistles and hence like the kind of conditions that most thistles like: rich, well-drained, loose soil, but tolerate most soils. It likes a pH of 6.4 best, but will tolerate 4.5 to 8.2. They prefer full sun to partial shade. Once the plants are established, you should be able to harvest flower heads year after year.
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