| | | Bunching Onions, Olives for USDA Zone 9 in Australia Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Roy Simmonds Posted on: October 15, 2006
Where I live it is sub-tropical, on the east coast of Australia, in the state of Queensland. We do have winter frosts and very hot humid summers. Can I grow Asian onions (the bunching variety) please? Also can olives take a high humidity? Not being familiar with Canadian zones is it possible for me to find out which zones are in which provinces? I only know Vancouver.
I would guess that you are in USDA zone 9. I am not sure what Asian bunching onions are, but if they are similar to our welsh onions, sold also as bunching onions, you should have no trouble with them. Welsh onions can be grown out of doors in zones 3-9.
Olives are grown extensively in Greece and I cannot imagine that a country so close to the sea does not have high humidity. So do give them a try.
Do check our web-site at www.richters.com click on "Richters InfoCentre" in the "News&Info section and in there check out our zone maps for North America and for Australia. It will be a great help.
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