| | | Growing Roman Chamomile Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: JuDee Gilmer Posted on: February 28, 2007
I finally got some Roman chamomile to grow from seeds. I was so protective of it that when it got cold I brought it inside. I live in Wyoming, USA. It did well for awhile and now is beginning to turn brown in some areas. What do you suggest to keep it alive?
We manage to over-winter Roman chamomile quite well in our greenhouses. We keep them cool and perhaps a bit drier than in the summer. When the plant is actively growing it needs to be kept moist at all times and responds very poorly to drying out. If you do not have a cool window, you could try enclosing a bright but not sunny window in plastic to create a mini-greenhouse. The heat from the room will only get to your enclosed area slowly and thus it will be cooler than the room. But beware direct sun! It would cook anything between the glass and plastic. Most of Wyoming is in zone 4 so I would not try to over-winter the plant out of doors.
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