Trimming Herbs Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Karen Posted on: June 18, 2007
Please tell me how to trim herbs when cutting to use in recipes.
In herbs with stems, cut as much as you need, but not more than down to 10cm (4") above the soil surface. In herbs with a rosette of leaves but no central stem, harvest the outer leaves, but always leave some of the youngest leaves.
Also what to do when they overgrow and I don’t get them used very fast.
Dry then for winter use, or freeze them.
Drying herb methods are welcome.
Dry on a screen in the shade or dry at the lowest setting of the oven with the door open a crack. Or hang bundles of the herbs in an airy place - upside down, since that way they remain tidier. A low setting of the microwave works too.
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