Subject: Growing Henna Plants for Science Project Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Kristen Posted on: February 21, 2008
I am a student in high school looking to grow henna plants (Lawsonia inermis) for a science project. However, time is a factor. How long does a henna plant typically take to grow to a point where I can actually use the leaves effectively for henna dying purposes? How old should they be/how long should they have grown before I can use the leaves?
Seeds take 18 to 45 days to germinate and then since the plants are perennials, they do not grow overly quickly! Make sure you do not harvest more than one third of the leaves present on the plant at any time. It may take 3 to 5 months to get to the harvesting stage, with the start of growth being the slowest. | | |